How To Increase Attunement Slots Dark Souls Remastered

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Claim the Reward on the 'Rewards' page and/or 'Deposit' page. Only one reward can Dark Souls 2 How To Increase Attunement Slots be claimed per promotion period. Rewards available after the Welcome Package is claimed. Dark souls 3 attunement. 13 grudnia 2020.

Arqade Increase attunement slots dark knauf cleaneo slotline b6 souls 2 Attunement Level, Spell Slots Available. Attunement slot levels dark souls 2 A minimum stat investment of 10 Attunement is required for the first attunement slot.Let's not wait and get right into the matter! See pages that link to and include this page.0 Dark Souls 2:Equipment which increase Attunement Slots. Attunement - Dark Souls 2 Slightly increases HP for each point. Thanks for the help. #4 Jack Kirby View Profile View Posts 25 May, 2014 @ 7:30pm Originally posted by Senrei:Originally posted by Erqaw84:Dark Souls Pyromancy.

Whether Dark Souls Remastered is your first foray into the world of desperation and undeath or more of a homecoming, it is important to understand exactly how certain things work. Personally, I believe the very first aspect any player should learn about is how the game's attributes affect the player character. Let's talk stats, soft caps and diminishing returns.

There are eight traditional attributes for the player to upgrade while the total character level and number of currently held Humanity also count as attributes in their own way. There are two aspects that all attributes share: the existence of soft caps and diminishing returns. For the uninitiated, soft caps are points at which continuing to level an attribute would be not optimal or even virtually useless.This is due to the concept of diminishing returns. Simply put, once the soft cap is reached, the player will see less and less return on their investment. With all that out of the way, it's time to take a closer look at each attribute and what they do.


At the top of the list is arguably one of the most important attributes if you dislike seeing that infamous 'YOU DIED' screen. Vitality is super simple; the more you put into it, the more health points your opponents have to eat through before your inevitable death. Something to note here is that Vitality has two soft caps, one at 30 and one at 50. While the amount of health points earned will drop once you reach level 30, you won't see truly diminishing returns until you hit the soft cap at level 50. This means that you can gain a fairly high amount of health before reaching this level.


For this attribute, it is paramount to understand how Dark Souls handles spells. Instead of using a magic meter or a mana pool, the player character's spells have a certain number of uses before they need to be recharged at a bonfire. This number of uses is unique to each spell and is also determined by how many slots the spell takes up. How many spell slots a player has to attune spells to is defined by their Attunement. This is all the attribute does and becomes completely useless after level 50 because it no longer gives any spell slots once that soft cap is reached (even though the attribute can be raised to 99). Simply put, if you plan on making use of any Sorceries, Miracles or Pyromancies, you will need to raise your Attunement.


Now we've reached another of the most useful stats for staying alive… well undead. While Endurance has a slightly lower soft cap than Vitality and Attunement at only 40, it does provide bonuses to three separate stats. Between increasing the player's total stamina, equip load and bleed resistance, Endurance makes investing in it well worth it. For clarity's sake stamina points are used for most actions and are necessary if you plan on doing much else beyond standing in place. Island resort casino escanaba mi. The player's equip load not only outlines how much they can have equipped at any one time, but also determines what kind of roll animation they will perform (more on this in the 'Combat' article). Finally, bleed resistance is just that, the player's resistance to the bleed effect that some enemies and weapons apply. Poker sitelerinde hile. At the soft cap of 40, stamina stops increasing all together while equip load goes up at the same rate as always and bleed resistance slows to a crawl.


This is the first attribute we'll cover that deals with meeting attribute requirements and increasing the damage the player does. How it does this comes from the way Dark Souls handles weapon and spell damage. Every equippable weapon in the game has attributes that must be reached to wield and that their damage can scale up with. For example, the Large Club requires 26 Strength to wield one-handed and has 'A' rank scaling in Strength, meaning that it has the second best damage multiplier ('S' being the highest) for that single attribute. The higher your Strength, the more damage you do with big, smashy weapons. This also applies to weapons with split scaling but usually to a lesser degree. Bear in mind that Strength has two soft caps with a special caveat. The first cap is at 20 (slight scaling drop) and the second is at 40 (drastic scaling drop), but these can be reached at 14 and 27 if two-handing since doing so gives special prosperities (also covered in the coming 'Combat' article).

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How To Increase Attunement Slots Dark Souls Remastered


Dexterity is similar to Strength, but is used to meet the requirements of finesse weapons, and applies a bonus to attack rating on any weapon with Dexterity scaling. Unlike Strength, Dexterity also increases the speed at which Sorceries, Pyromancies and Miracles are cast. Because of this, Dexterity has the same soft caps as Strength at 20 and 40, being where scaling drops slightly and drastically, but also at 45 when spell cast speed stops increasing. Also, Dexterity does not benefit from two-handing and must reach the 20 and 40 caps to make the most of a weapons scaling.



Okay, this is equal parts a joke and gospel truth in the established Dark Souls community. Resistance is easily the least sought after because while it does increase physical defense, fire defense and poison resistance, it does so extremely slowly. It's almost always better to invest in Vitality for more health or Endurance for a higher equip load to wear heavier armor. So, while it is a joke when a player's advice for leveling Resistance is 'Don't', it comes from a place of knowledge and understanding of the usefulness of other attributes.


Where you have Strength for smashy weapons and Dexterity for finesse weapons, Intelligence is used for all things magic. While this includes weapons with inherent magical properties and weapons that have been infused to have Intelligence scaling, it mostly applies to catalysts. All but one catalyst (weapon/tool that casts Sorceries) requires and scales based on Intelligence. Also, all Sorceries have their own Intelligence requirement to cast. The more you increase your Intelligence, the more Sorceries you'll be able to add to your arsenal and the more damage you'll do with them because of your catalyst. Intelligence has two soft caps at 40 and 50 with a special exception for a single catalyst at 45. Each one of these caps sees attack rating scaling drop drastically.


As Dexterity is similar but slightly different to Strength, Faith is similar but slightly different to Intelligence. Instead of dealing with Sorceries, Faith applies to Miracles and Faith-scaling weapons. Instead of catalysts, Miracles use talismans (with only one scaling with Intelligence). Instead of three soft caps, Faith only has one at level 50. Faith also has the added bonus of increasing the player's magic defense, although this should not be the sole reason for investing in the attribute.

That's all the traditional attributes out of the way, here are two unique cases that players should be aware of if they want to make the most of benefits and bonuses available to them.


For those not in the know, Humanity is a sort of consumable item in Dark Souls that has several different applications. When used, it fully heals the player and increases the current Humanity (called Soft Humanity) count by one. This count can be found in the top left corner as part of the HUD that includes player health and stamina. Players can use these Humanity to become human (allowing online interactions), give to NPCs for various effects or kindle bonfires (increasing the number of healing Estus that bonfire gives when rested at). What some may not know however, is that having a high Humanity count can increase several stats as well as increase damage on particular weapons. The Humanity stat has a soft cap at 10 and 30 which apply to two of the three stats it benefits. At 10, item discovery no longer increases while curse resistance stops growing at 30. Players can also increase all their defenses by up to 50 points by holding the maximum 99 Soft Humanity. Although, this is extremely dangerous in nearly any case because they are dropped upon death and can only be recovered if the player makes it back to their bloodstain.

Soul Level

Finally, we have the player's total Soul Level or the sum of all their other attributes. This entry is sort of misleading though as your actual Soul Level does not increase your defense, but your total number of stats does. Simply put, the more stats you have increased, the higher your all defenses will go. Fun fact, it takes over 1.6 billion souls to reach the maximum Soul Level with any of the starting classes.

While nearly all the stats were covered at one point or another in the description of all the attributes, there are several more stats that simply were not necessary to mention by name. Most of these are self-explanatory such as the weapon damage of the four weapon slots and defense to various damage types (strike, slash, thrust, and lightning). Then there's poise. These will get more attention later on, but for now we'll leave them be.

With that, any player should have a much better grasp of what the various attributes and stats of Dark Souls are and what they do. Of course if you've got any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments and I'll be sure to address them. Just like the first article, I'd like to make a shoutout to a content creator that has made a ton Dark Souls stuff. This time, it's Limit Breakers with a crazy amount of useless (and sometimes useful) data on the series as a whole. If you've ever wanted to know what the longest possible bar is Dark Souls is, Limit Breakers has your back. Tomorrow, we will be revisiting the Age of Ancients in greater detail.

Until then, Praise the Sun and Vereor Nox.

The Warrior is one of the basic classes of Dark Souls Remastered and is one of the most chosen classes of the game. He is easy to use, and the stats of this class are all around balanced. If you are new to the game or the series, this class is the way to go unless you want a challenge. If you are struggling with another class, then I would highly recommend changing over to this one for an easier time.

The aim of this guide isn't to tell you how to build your character, but it is to give you advice on how to effectively create an effective Warrior that suits your playstyle.

That being said, here's everything you need to know about getting started with the Warrior Class:

Related:DS3 Pyromancy Guide

What is the Warrior Class?

The Warrior is one of the most well-rounded starting classes, with high Strength and Dexterity, allowing them to make use of a lot of the equipment they come across. They also start with a solid shield and an easy-to-use weapon, as well as fairly light armor that sacrifices Poise for mobility.

Their balanced stats make them a good choice for new players, with their main disadvantage being their initial lack in the magic stats, forcing them to rely on melee attacks. For a player who does not wish to use any magic whatsoever, they are the optimal choice.

His set is also found on the Gaping Dragon boss arena, showing that the warrior was an adventurous traveler, who fought his way while exploring. He encountered the Gaping Dragon, and probably was defeated by the giant creature, the Channeler, or maybe he was killed from a distance by the also dead body, who holds a crossbow.

Here is a great way to explain this class from Miyazaki himself:

For the warrior we wanted to move away from the traditional soldier class seen in Demon's Souls and instead aim for something more like an adventurer, we used the relatively simple image words of leather armour with metal plating, and I suppose, a little of Parn from Record of Lodoss War.

I assumed that players would spend a significant portion of the game using this armour so we actually paid special attention to the back as it's the part the players will be looking at the majority of the time. It's the same with armoured core, we have to ensure that each and every camera shows the player some little detail or point of interest. We tried a number of different ideas but in the end we actually settled on something very close to the initial idea. The final design walks that line between warrior and adventurer so I'm really happy with it.

Effective Warrior Combat

The Warrior is the easiest class to use because his stats are just all around balanced. Actually, he is the easiest class to make a melee build from. His armor is a great set that you can use for the entire game, and his sword and shield can be used for a while as well. Depending on which build you are doing, you have some decent tools to get you where you want to go.

While it is less optimal for pure Strength builds than the Bandit early on, it is actually better for pure Dexterity builds than the classes that start with high Dexterity. This is because many Dexterity weapons still require at least a little Strength to equip, as well as the Warrior's low stats in Attunement, Intelligence, and Faith. Naturally, the best use of the Warrior is with builds that combine both Strength and Dexterity, but at lower levels, it's usually better to focus on one or the other first.

The Warrior starts with one of the better shields in the game, and high enough stats to use many decent weapons right away. It's a good class for people who want to jump right into the game with weapons and melee. This class is tied for the lowest combined casting stats among starting classes. This is ideal for min-maxing if you want to make a purely weapon focused character, but is less than optimal if you want anything to do with spells.

Essential Steps

Here are some important goals to have when you first start your Warrior class playthrough. They are all very crucial, all except the last one if you are not into PVPing. Everything else is super important to follow if you want a fun and somewhat easy playthrough.

1.Find the weapon you want to use – This is important for understanding what your future build will be

2.Put points into either Dexterity or Strength, whichever build you want to go for Whatever build you are doing, put your attributes into whatever section the weapon you are using scales with

3.Always upgrade your health and stamina – Health and stamina are the best things to upgrade besides your other 2 main attributes, obviously

4.Upgrade your weapon as soon as possible Upgrading your weapon is very crucial, so always explore, even if the area is difficult. Take your time, and be patient with the enemies

5.Join the Darkwraith Covenant – This is only necessary if you are going to be playing a lot of PVP fights

Best Warrior Builds

There are many different builds you can make with this class, and the most important thing to keep in mind when creating your character is that whatever attributes you put points into, there is no way to reallocate them to another section. If you make your upgrade, you cannot go back like in the next 2 games.

Make sure you do the research into what the best thing to do is so you don't mess yourself up and have to start all over again just to make it through the game. Dark Souls 1 is not an easy game for starter players so take your time and learn from your mistakes. There are thousands of builds that branch off from a few main builds, and everyone might not like the same build.

Here are the 3 main builds for the Warrior class and what attributes to put your souls into:

Dexterity Builds

Reason: To focus more on mobility while attacking and dodging.

Dexterity builds are very good with mobility and attacking, and they have some of the best scalings in all of the series. A lot of people say that it is best to get the Great Scythe because it has great Dexterity Scaling. With the Warrior, you don't even need to change your armor, so that gives you some leeway to put souls into upgrades and weapons. Here are the best stats for a Dexterity build if you decide to go that route in your playthrough:

  • VIT – 30
  • END – 30
  • DEX – 40
  • STR – 15

Strength Build

Reason: To be more tanky when attacking or dodging. It is also great for stunning enemies with the bigger weapons.

These builds are best for having a ton of health and being really powerful with your attacks. Most of your attacks stun the enemies and deal a ton of extra damage when they are down. I have heard that the Zweihander is one of the best Strength weapons you can get, make sure to give it a try. Here are the best stats for a Strength build if you decide to go that route in your playthrough:

  • VIT – 30
  • END – 30
  • STR – 40
  • DEX – 15

Divine Build

Reason: To carry powerful weapons while wearing medium to heavy armor and use Miracles in the process.

These builds are for a mix of using melee weapons with Miracles. A lot of the time, Miracles are really great to have, especially if you find the right ones. I am not going to go over the different Miracles, but I will tell you that the Silver Knight Spear is great to use with this build. It does very well with the different stats. You can also use a Dexterity weapon as well if you level up both DEX and STR. Here are the best stats for a Divine build if you decide to go that route in your playthrough:

  • VIT – 30
  • END – 30
  • STR – 25
  • DEX – 25
  • FTH – 30

Best Warrior Weapons

How to increase attunement slots dark souls remastered dlc


Dexterity is similar to Strength, but is used to meet the requirements of finesse weapons, and applies a bonus to attack rating on any weapon with Dexterity scaling. Unlike Strength, Dexterity also increases the speed at which Sorceries, Pyromancies and Miracles are cast. Because of this, Dexterity has the same soft caps as Strength at 20 and 40, being where scaling drops slightly and drastically, but also at 45 when spell cast speed stops increasing. Also, Dexterity does not benefit from two-handing and must reach the 20 and 40 caps to make the most of a weapons scaling.



Okay, this is equal parts a joke and gospel truth in the established Dark Souls community. Resistance is easily the least sought after because while it does increase physical defense, fire defense and poison resistance, it does so extremely slowly. It's almost always better to invest in Vitality for more health or Endurance for a higher equip load to wear heavier armor. So, while it is a joke when a player's advice for leveling Resistance is 'Don't', it comes from a place of knowledge and understanding of the usefulness of other attributes.


Where you have Strength for smashy weapons and Dexterity for finesse weapons, Intelligence is used for all things magic. While this includes weapons with inherent magical properties and weapons that have been infused to have Intelligence scaling, it mostly applies to catalysts. All but one catalyst (weapon/tool that casts Sorceries) requires and scales based on Intelligence. Also, all Sorceries have their own Intelligence requirement to cast. The more you increase your Intelligence, the more Sorceries you'll be able to add to your arsenal and the more damage you'll do with them because of your catalyst. Intelligence has two soft caps at 40 and 50 with a special exception for a single catalyst at 45. Each one of these caps sees attack rating scaling drop drastically.


As Dexterity is similar but slightly different to Strength, Faith is similar but slightly different to Intelligence. Instead of dealing with Sorceries, Faith applies to Miracles and Faith-scaling weapons. Instead of catalysts, Miracles use talismans (with only one scaling with Intelligence). Instead of three soft caps, Faith only has one at level 50. Faith also has the added bonus of increasing the player's magic defense, although this should not be the sole reason for investing in the attribute.

That's all the traditional attributes out of the way, here are two unique cases that players should be aware of if they want to make the most of benefits and bonuses available to them.


For those not in the know, Humanity is a sort of consumable item in Dark Souls that has several different applications. When used, it fully heals the player and increases the current Humanity (called Soft Humanity) count by one. This count can be found in the top left corner as part of the HUD that includes player health and stamina. Players can use these Humanity to become human (allowing online interactions), give to NPCs for various effects or kindle bonfires (increasing the number of healing Estus that bonfire gives when rested at). What some may not know however, is that having a high Humanity count can increase several stats as well as increase damage on particular weapons. The Humanity stat has a soft cap at 10 and 30 which apply to two of the three stats it benefits. At 10, item discovery no longer increases while curse resistance stops growing at 30. Players can also increase all their defenses by up to 50 points by holding the maximum 99 Soft Humanity. Although, this is extremely dangerous in nearly any case because they are dropped upon death and can only be recovered if the player makes it back to their bloodstain.

Soul Level

Finally, we have the player's total Soul Level or the sum of all their other attributes. This entry is sort of misleading though as your actual Soul Level does not increase your defense, but your total number of stats does. Simply put, the more stats you have increased, the higher your all defenses will go. Fun fact, it takes over 1.6 billion souls to reach the maximum Soul Level with any of the starting classes.

While nearly all the stats were covered at one point or another in the description of all the attributes, there are several more stats that simply were not necessary to mention by name. Most of these are self-explanatory such as the weapon damage of the four weapon slots and defense to various damage types (strike, slash, thrust, and lightning). Then there's poise. These will get more attention later on, but for now we'll leave them be.

With that, any player should have a much better grasp of what the various attributes and stats of Dark Souls are and what they do. Of course if you've got any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments and I'll be sure to address them. Just like the first article, I'd like to make a shoutout to a content creator that has made a ton Dark Souls stuff. This time, it's Limit Breakers with a crazy amount of useless (and sometimes useful) data on the series as a whole. If you've ever wanted to know what the longest possible bar is Dark Souls is, Limit Breakers has your back. Tomorrow, we will be revisiting the Age of Ancients in greater detail.

Until then, Praise the Sun and Vereor Nox.

The Warrior is one of the basic classes of Dark Souls Remastered and is one of the most chosen classes of the game. He is easy to use, and the stats of this class are all around balanced. If you are new to the game or the series, this class is the way to go unless you want a challenge. If you are struggling with another class, then I would highly recommend changing over to this one for an easier time.

The aim of this guide isn't to tell you how to build your character, but it is to give you advice on how to effectively create an effective Warrior that suits your playstyle.

That being said, here's everything you need to know about getting started with the Warrior Class:

Related:DS3 Pyromancy Guide

What is the Warrior Class?

The Warrior is one of the most well-rounded starting classes, with high Strength and Dexterity, allowing them to make use of a lot of the equipment they come across. They also start with a solid shield and an easy-to-use weapon, as well as fairly light armor that sacrifices Poise for mobility.

Their balanced stats make them a good choice for new players, with their main disadvantage being their initial lack in the magic stats, forcing them to rely on melee attacks. For a player who does not wish to use any magic whatsoever, they are the optimal choice.

His set is also found on the Gaping Dragon boss arena, showing that the warrior was an adventurous traveler, who fought his way while exploring. He encountered the Gaping Dragon, and probably was defeated by the giant creature, the Channeler, or maybe he was killed from a distance by the also dead body, who holds a crossbow.

Here is a great way to explain this class from Miyazaki himself:

For the warrior we wanted to move away from the traditional soldier class seen in Demon's Souls and instead aim for something more like an adventurer, we used the relatively simple image words of leather armour with metal plating, and I suppose, a little of Parn from Record of Lodoss War.

I assumed that players would spend a significant portion of the game using this armour so we actually paid special attention to the back as it's the part the players will be looking at the majority of the time. It's the same with armoured core, we have to ensure that each and every camera shows the player some little detail or point of interest. We tried a number of different ideas but in the end we actually settled on something very close to the initial idea. The final design walks that line between warrior and adventurer so I'm really happy with it.

Effective Warrior Combat

The Warrior is the easiest class to use because his stats are just all around balanced. Actually, he is the easiest class to make a melee build from. His armor is a great set that you can use for the entire game, and his sword and shield can be used for a while as well. Depending on which build you are doing, you have some decent tools to get you where you want to go.

While it is less optimal for pure Strength builds than the Bandit early on, it is actually better for pure Dexterity builds than the classes that start with high Dexterity. This is because many Dexterity weapons still require at least a little Strength to equip, as well as the Warrior's low stats in Attunement, Intelligence, and Faith. Naturally, the best use of the Warrior is with builds that combine both Strength and Dexterity, but at lower levels, it's usually better to focus on one or the other first.

The Warrior starts with one of the better shields in the game, and high enough stats to use many decent weapons right away. It's a good class for people who want to jump right into the game with weapons and melee. This class is tied for the lowest combined casting stats among starting classes. This is ideal for min-maxing if you want to make a purely weapon focused character, but is less than optimal if you want anything to do with spells.

Essential Steps

Here are some important goals to have when you first start your Warrior class playthrough. They are all very crucial, all except the last one if you are not into PVPing. Everything else is super important to follow if you want a fun and somewhat easy playthrough.

1.Find the weapon you want to use – This is important for understanding what your future build will be

2.Put points into either Dexterity or Strength, whichever build you want to go for Whatever build you are doing, put your attributes into whatever section the weapon you are using scales with

3.Always upgrade your health and stamina – Health and stamina are the best things to upgrade besides your other 2 main attributes, obviously

4.Upgrade your weapon as soon as possible Upgrading your weapon is very crucial, so always explore, even if the area is difficult. Take your time, and be patient with the enemies

5.Join the Darkwraith Covenant – This is only necessary if you are going to be playing a lot of PVP fights

Best Warrior Builds

There are many different builds you can make with this class, and the most important thing to keep in mind when creating your character is that whatever attributes you put points into, there is no way to reallocate them to another section. If you make your upgrade, you cannot go back like in the next 2 games.

Make sure you do the research into what the best thing to do is so you don't mess yourself up and have to start all over again just to make it through the game. Dark Souls 1 is not an easy game for starter players so take your time and learn from your mistakes. There are thousands of builds that branch off from a few main builds, and everyone might not like the same build.

Here are the 3 main builds for the Warrior class and what attributes to put your souls into:

Dexterity Builds

Reason: To focus more on mobility while attacking and dodging.

Dexterity builds are very good with mobility and attacking, and they have some of the best scalings in all of the series. A lot of people say that it is best to get the Great Scythe because it has great Dexterity Scaling. With the Warrior, you don't even need to change your armor, so that gives you some leeway to put souls into upgrades and weapons. Here are the best stats for a Dexterity build if you decide to go that route in your playthrough:

  • VIT – 30
  • END – 30
  • DEX – 40
  • STR – 15

Strength Build

Reason: To be more tanky when attacking or dodging. It is also great for stunning enemies with the bigger weapons.

These builds are best for having a ton of health and being really powerful with your attacks. Most of your attacks stun the enemies and deal a ton of extra damage when they are down. I have heard that the Zweihander is one of the best Strength weapons you can get, make sure to give it a try. Here are the best stats for a Strength build if you decide to go that route in your playthrough:

  • VIT – 30
  • END – 30
  • STR – 40
  • DEX – 15

Divine Build

Reason: To carry powerful weapons while wearing medium to heavy armor and use Miracles in the process.

These builds are for a mix of using melee weapons with Miracles. A lot of the time, Miracles are really great to have, especially if you find the right ones. I am not going to go over the different Miracles, but I will tell you that the Silver Knight Spear is great to use with this build. It does very well with the different stats. You can also use a Dexterity weapon as well if you level up both DEX and STR. Here are the best stats for a Divine build if you decide to go that route in your playthrough:

  • VIT – 30
  • END – 30
  • STR – 25
  • DEX – 25
  • FTH – 30

Best Warrior Weapons

These are all the best weapons for each of the three builds that are great for Warrior. Sorry if there are any weapons that you like to use that aren't on this list, but these are from what I have seen and a ton of other people have said. These are all the best weapons for each build and they scale very nicely compared to other weapons.

Here are all the best weapons for each Warrior build:

Best Dexterity Weapons

Dexterity controls the player's Attack Power for weapons that scale with Dexterity and increases casting speed for most spells.Some weapons require a minimum dexterity level to be wielded properly. Dexterity is especially useful for Daggers, Katanas, Thrusting/Piercing Swords, Curved Swords, Spears, Whips and Bows.

Uchigatana: Dropped by the Undead Merchant in the Undead Burg. Also sold by Shiva of the East for 5,000 souls.

How To Increase Attunement Slots Dark Souls Remastered Dlc

Great Scythe: Found in The Catacombs, above lever to the second closed door. The entrance is accessed by jumping off the second spiked rotating bridge.

Scimitar: Sold by the Undead Merchant in the Undead Burg for 600 souls. Also drops from the skeleton with a scimitar & shield.

Estoc: Corpse in the lower section of Firelink Shrine, along the path towards New Londo Ruins.

Falchion: Blighttown treasure, found along with Wanderer clothes. An Enchanted version drops from a Mimic in the The Duke's Archives.

Rapier: Sold by Undead Merchant. Also drops from Balder Knight with Rapier.

Best Strength Weapons

Increase Attunement Slots

Strength is required for the majority of the weapons to wield. It is a weapon damage modifier and controls the player's Attack Power that increase your damage output for weapons that has strength scaling. More strength points is required for larger and heavier weapons to wield. Strength does NOT affect your weapon swing speed.

Zweihander: Obtained from a corpse in the Graveyard area, in front of one of the large tombstones near Firelink Shrine.

Demon Greataxe: Dropped by Taurus Demons. Sold by Shiva of the East for 10,000 Souls.

Great Club: Found in Blighttown near Quelaag's Domain. Pocket island with Rock-Tosser Barbarians.

Man-Serpent Greatsword: Rare drop by the Man-serpents in Sen's Fortress and The Duke's Archives.

Mace: Sold by Patches the Hyena at Firelink Shrine for 3,000 souls. Also in the Catacombs on a corpse before the Pinwheel boss fog.

Best Divine Weapons

Faith governs the Miracle Power and also increases the Magic Defense. It also controls the player's attack power for weapons that scale with Faith, any weapon that are upgraded down the Divine Upgrade or Occult Upgrade paths. Most miracles damage are also increased with faith.

Astora's Straight Sword: Found in front of the Undead Dragon in the Valley of Drakes.

Crescent Axe: Sold by Patches the Hyena at Firelink Shrine for 10,000 souls. It is also dropped by him if you kill him.

Grant: Dropped by Paladin Leeroy in the Tomb of Giants.

Silver Knight Spear: Dropped from Silver Knight.


The Warrior is one of two classes that can pull off the 50 Vitality, 40 Endurance, 40 Strength, 40 Dexterity build at level 125, along with the Bandit. This build is able to use virtually all weapons and has high defense, and can easily handle anything the game or even other players can throw at it. If you think that you might like the Warrior class, then give it a shot. Create that build that you hoped you can make that can kill everything pretty easily.

I hope that guide has helped you understand just how the Warrior class works and the best way to make the ultimate build. Obviously, if you keep playing on a single character for multiple playthroughs, you might even be able to make every build the game has to offer if you play the game enough. I hope you have good luck in your Dark Souls playthrough.

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